Saturday, July 25, 2009

38 Weeks and 2 Days

So, I got an email on Thursday (from a baby website) that told me that Pierce was 38 weeks old.  I had long lost count of the weeks, but I started thinking...I had Pierce at 38 weeks (and 2 days) and I couldn't believe that it had already been that long since I had him.  It is quite amazing how my perception of time has changed - with my pregnancy, I felt like 38 weeks and 2 days were such a long time, and with Pierce I feel like it has just flown by.  

Here are a couple pics of my favorite "38 Weeks and 2 Day" old little boy:

A special thank you to Randy and Rebecca White for the authentic Italian National Team soccer jersey!  They were in Italy last summer when we found out that P was a little boy, and they picked him up this jersey.

1 comment:

Dave and Tara Harris said...

Happy 28 weeks and 2 days Pierce! Isn't it amazing how fast time goes?!?! And I always hear that it goes even faster with your next one! That's so sad!!! He is growing up sooooo handsomely (I don't really think that is a word, but you know what I mean!!! lol) We'll be seeing yall soon with all the showers coming up!!