Monday, October 24, 2011

what we've been up to.

sometimes (a lot lately) i wish time would just slow down.
or that there were a few more hours in the day.

i feel like we are going a million miles to the minute - all with good stuff - but just lots of stuff.
we have had a our fair share of stressful days lately ... days when the tears just flow ... but at the end of each day, i can't help but be thankful for this busy season of life that God has us in right now. i guess i am really just thankful for His presence, His love, His peace, His joy, and His comfort in the midst of all this craziness.

so, what have we been up to lately??

i finally decided to join pinterest - holy moly. love it!
and we have even tried 3 recipes that i have "pinned."
it is still pretty warm here - notice the swimsuit on pierce.
p and s are playing good together - even if one is inside and one is outside. :)
i got to celebrate baby kekic this weekend!!
little miss stella is everywhere!!
my 3 loves.
p has decided that popsicles are best enjoyed in the shower.
and we are in the process of planning birthday party #3 for pierce.
how is my little boy about to turn 3?!?!?

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