Sunday, March 15, 2009


On Saturday, Justin took Duncan to get his haircut.  When they called and told us that he was ready, Justin insisted that I go in to get our little Dunc.  When I first saw Duncan, I noticed that something looked a little different, but I couldn't exactly figure out what it was.  Then Efron, the man that cuts Duncan's hair, started talking about  how Duncan's dad had asked for a mohawk for our little Duncan - and that is when I figured out what was different about Duncan!  Efron asked me not to make Justin sleep on the couch because of the hair-do; I did however contemplate whether or not to make him sleep in the doghouse! :)  

So here are a few pics of my 'bad-a' Dunc and his new 'dog-hawk.'


Dave and Tara Harris said...

That is soooo funny! I am laughing outloud! Justin is such a riot! He must keep you on your feet all day long!!! :) It really looks cute on Duncan!

Elizabeth said...

that is hysterical! :)