Tuesday, June 25, 2013

a little bling for Stella

Sweet Stella has been talking about getting earrings like mommy for a couple of weeks.  I know that there are lots of opinions on getting little girls' ears pierced, but since she has been talking about Justin and I decided that it was a good time for me to take her.  I did some research because I wanted to find a place that did both ears at the same time and that it would be a fun experience for her.  And so off to Sweet 'n' Sassy we went....

When we got there, they sat her in a big pink chair.  (I brought her Dude along because I thought she might want him.)

You can't tell very well, but they drew the dots with markers first so I could check them out.  They looked good, so I gave the "go ahead."

Being so brave...I didn't tell her that it might hurt a bit.  I just explained to her that a someone else had to put them in the first time.  Here we go...

All done.  A few tears, but nothing a sucker couldn't change.

Since we were already at Sweet 'n' Sassy, I figured we could just treat little miss to something else...so braids in the hair with glitter it was.  All while watching Cinderella.  This sweet little one was in heaven.

All done....

My Sweet Stella Marie - with big girl earrings and braids. 

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