Monday, May 11, 2009

Trying to Score a Diamond Girl

While at Baylor, I took in my fair share of BU baseball games.  One of my best friends was a Diamond Girl - glorified bat girl - so mainly I went just to see Kerri.  Pierce decided since the Celtics weren't playing today, it would be a good day to try-out another sport, baseball.  Here he is in his little BU baseball uniform.  Now all he needs is for Coach Jay to teach him how to throw a curve  ball.

Look at that smile

Look at that cute little bum...


Miss Nikki's News said...

SIC EM Bears Pierce, he looks too cute in that outfit thanks to his aunt nikki!

jenicarae said...

What a cute outfit!!

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

He is seriously the CUTEST little boy! Love his Baylor outfit!

Anonymous said...

Joanna, Hi there! You may not remember me entirely, but I pledged Tri Delt when you were a senior. I stumbled onto your blog today and found these sweet pictures of your son in the Baylor baseball outfit! My sister-in-law just had a baby (on the 11th when you posted this, ironically), and I would LOVE to get one like it for her. Do you know where it's from? Thanks so much for your help! Have a great day!